Dren Selmani

Peace and tolerance: an aspiration or possible reality?

Peace is more important than ever today. In a world  filled with conflict, violence, and intolerance, it is of utmost…

3 years ago

Relationships between state and religion – work in progress

Kosovo is a unitary state with a parliamentary democracy. Kosovo is a unique case which has three religious denominations and…

3 years ago

Who benefits from disinformation on COVID-19?

By Viktor Kotev, Associate at the Bulgarian Hub for United Balkans After the beginning of the second COVID-19 wave, we…

4 years ago

Press Freedom in the Western Balkans

Following our blog into Western Balkan efforts to combat corruption today we focus on press freedom. A serious matter that…

4 years ago

What do the numbers say? The Western Balkan six efforts to root out corruption between 2012-2019

The Berlin process has been initiated as an attempt to generate regional cooperation and facilitate integration of the Western Balkans…

4 years ago

An amazing way to help children and people with disabilities!

Not a lot of stuff and events can get me excited and get my respect and admiration. But I’m a…

4 years ago

At home: Isolation as a Challenge for all of us

This 2020 did not start well, although we all have big plans.  Coronavirus (COVID-19) was firstly reported in Chinese city…

4 years ago

#zgjidhje vlerëson progresin dhe shqyrton planet për të ardhmen

Në takimin virtual të mbajtur më 16 shkurt 2021, anëtarët e #zgjidhje vlerësuan progresin/aktivitetet gjatë periudhës së zgjedhjeve në Kosovë dhe shqyrtuan planet për të ardhmen. Agjenda…

5 years ago

Media literacy as a “vaccine” against “infodemic”

by Petya Vladimirova, Project Manager at the Bulgarian Hub for United Balkans Since its beginning, immense waves of information, including…

5 years ago

Uji i pijshëm në Kosovë: Propozime për #zgjidhje

Iniciativa #zgjidhje mbajti debatin e parë që u transmetua drejtpërdrejtë në TV Festina si dhe në rrjete shoqërore. Tema e debatit: Nga 3 zgjidhje për:…

5 years ago